
【活動異動】2024/05/23 特用高分子於關鍵產業之應用-高溫與功能性高分子研討會

本活動已從「人才培訓:Specialty Polymers for Critical Industrial Applications - High Temperature and Functional Polymers」異動為「特用高分子於關鍵產業之應用-高溫與功能性高分子研討會」,活動時間調整為13:30 - 16:30,敬請留意,謝謝您。(5/9更新)


活 動 資 訊

活動時間:2024年5月23日(四)13:30 - 16:30 pm
活動議程:主辦單位得視情況保留議程變更之權利1130523 agenda2


This presentation covers two important polymer categories that has become important in solving various application problems in critical industrial applications such as electric & electronics, semiconductor, energy, military & aerospace even in traditional chemical and industrial requirements.

They are basic high temperature polymers (HTP) such as polyimides, including PBI, Polyketone family such as PEEK, PEK, PEKEKK and PEKK. and polysulfone family such as PSU, PESU, PPSU and PPS. HTP are used mainly for their high use temperature, typically above 150 °C, excellent chemical resistance, wide range of mechanical strength and wear performance etc. It’s also often uses as fluoropolymer replacements in some cases now due to PFOS/PFAS concerns.

On the other hand, traditional polymers such as Polyolefins has increasingly found many special uses once functionalized. As traditional commodity polymers, functionalized polyolefins (FPO) provide enhanced thermal stability, high use temperatures, improved mechanical properties, better compatibility with different substrates or with other polymer family to further modify properties. In many cases, FPO offers a low-cost alternative to more expensive engineering polymers.

We will focus on both HTP and FPO in general but focus on new generation of Polyketones and functional Polypropylene in particular that we call them application specific polymers.


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何小姐 Tel: 03-5821699 ext 10 / E-mail:Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它
陳小姐 Tel: 03-5821699 ext 12 / E-mail:Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它


活動開始日期 2024-05-23 13:30
活動結束日期 2024-05-23 16:30
報名費用 $2,500.00
位置 新竹縣


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