2018/2/1(四)【會員限定】ILaCoS 2018 - The Future of Display Industry

ILaCoS 2018 - The Future of Display Industry
Following the success of the previous ILaCoS events in Asia and Europe, 3D-Micromac and TDMDA are going to organize the well-established ILaCoS conference in Hsinchu, Taiwan on Feb 1, 2018. The agenda of the symposium will balance industrial applications, scientific themes and business opportunities with the focus of future display technologies including:
‚ MicroLED displays
‚ OLED displays
‚ Multifunction displays
‚ Flexible displays
As in previous years, industrial representatives and research institutions will give an insight into their latest developments and present future-orientated manufacturing technologies. An intense dialogue between users from different fields of application will be stimulated.

【舉辦時間Time】2018年2月1日(週四) 9:20 am-16:30 pm

【主辦Organizer】台灣平面顯示器材料與元件產業協會(TDMDA), 3D-Micromac AG

【協辦Co-Organizer】瀚笙科技(MOS Technology Inc.), IHS Market,
台灣顯示器聯合總會(TDUA) , 工業技術研究院(ITRI)

ITRI, Room 422 , Bldg.51, Hsinchu, Taiwan, ROC

【官網Official website 】 http://ilacos.com/#tophome






09:00 - 09:20


09:20 - 09:25

Welcome Remark

Dr. John Janglin Chen, Chairman of TDMDA and General Director of DTC/ITRI

09:25 - 09:40

Welcome and Introduction Uwe Wagner, CTO of 3D-Micromac AG

09:40 - 09:45

Speakers Introduction

Dr. Yi-Pai Huang, Professor of NCTU and Chairman of SID Taipei Chapter

09:45 - 10:30

Keynote Presentation:

Technology Advances in Flexible Displays

Dr. John Janglin Chen, Chairman of TDMDA and General Director of DTC/ITRI

10:30 - 11:00

Display Technologies And Market Outlook

David Hsieh, Senior Director of DisplaySearch, IHS Technolog

11:00 - 11:30

Coffee Break

11:30 - 12:00

Conquering the MOCVD Challenges of Micro LED Display Technology Dr. Christian Geng, Director of Technology, AIXTRON SE

12:00 - 12:30

Flexible OLED Lighting - Opportunities, Challenges and Solutions

Dr. Christian May, Fraunhofer FEP

12:30 - 13:00

Laser-Based Process Technology for µLED  Production

Maurice Clair, 3D-Micromac AG

13:00 - 14:00

Lunch Break

14:00 - 14:30

FPD Production of Flexible Oxide TFT Circuits on GEN2 Substrate

Boris Galkin, Tenflecs

14:30 - 15:00

Excimer Laser Processing For Advanced and Emerging Displays Dr. Rainer Paetzel,  Burkhard Fechner,  Heiner Eckermann, Coherent Inc

15:00 - 15:30

Coffee Break

15:30 - 16:00

Equipment and Technology for Flexible and Organic Electronics 

Manufacturing in S2S and R2R

Dr. Andreas Purath, VON ARDENNE GmbH

16:00 - 16:30

Processing Of Advanced Displays by Ultra-Short Pulse Laser Dr. Rainer Paetzel, Dr. Burkhard Fechner,  Joris VanNunen, Coherent Inc.



【報名方式 Register】


TDMDA: www.tdmda.org.tw

Tel: 03-5916872 何小姐/ 03-5912264 張小姐
e-mail: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它/ Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它




活動開始日期 2018-02-01 09:20
活動結束日期 2018-02-01 16:30
報名截止日期 2018-01-24
報名費用 $6,000.00
位置 新竹縣