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With the hope that it will serve as basic information for promoting technology for ensuring battery safety, this lecture will explain the LIB characteristics in detailed in terms of battery reaction principles, constituent materials, and electrochemical characteristic-evaluation methods. The explanation and introduction are based on the characteristics of commercially available LIBs, which are expanding their market for mobile device applications, stationary energy storage, and in-vehicle applications. However, regarding LIB, there are some problems in the currently used evaluation method of battery characteristics and judgment method of its deterioration degree, and thus development of a new method is desired.

Therefore, in this seminar the methods using impedance method and pulse method, etc. from the basics will be thoroughly explained. Then new solutions to these problems will be introduced. The scientific rationality of the proposed evaluation method is judged from the error value of the simulation for the fitting between the measurement result and the response based on the evaluation model of the pseudo equivalent circuit of the battery reaction. The seminar also explains the effectiveness of the machine learning method algorithm, we invented, that uses pulse response and impedance characteristics as training samples to quantitatively estimate the battery deterioration state with high accuracy and at high speed (seconds). After the seminar, we answer the questions of the participants.

Structure and reaction mechanism of LIB, Interpretation and understanding of charge/discharge characteristics, Hysteresis phenomenon of output potential, battery constituent materials and electrode reaction characteristics, Handling of impedance measurement spectrum, Relationship between current-pulse response and electrical equivalent-circuit parameters as evaluation factors, Understanding the battery performance-status, Diagnosis methods of battery state of health(SOH), Applicability of machine learning method to LIB SOH, Standard measurement method for battery reuse (?), Chemical additives for improving LIB characteristics, Some topics in battery research and development, etc.

【舉辦時間】2020年11月25日(三)09:30 -16:30(含中午1hr用餐及休息時間)




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【報名費用 】

1091125 1

報名網址:https://pse.is/v36h8 (需用Google瀏覽器開啟)

戶 名:社團法人台灣平面顯示器材料與元件產業協會

台灣平面顯示器材料與元件產業協會(TDMDA) www.tdmda.org.tw
Tel: 886-3-5916872 何小姐 e-mail:Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它 
Tel: 886-3-5912264 陳小姐 e-mail:Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它


活動開始日期 2020-11-25 09:30
活動結束日期 2020-11-25 16:30
報名截止日期 2020-11-19
報名費用 $6,000.00
位置 新竹縣


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